
We believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life! That there is no other way. We believe that we should love one another, in the same way that Jesus loved us, so that they will know that we are Christians.
John 13:35

My name is Terry Scott, I am a graduate of Liberty Christian University. I’ve earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and Christian Counseling. It is an honor to have been called to the ministry of counseling. God’s purpose for my life is to counsel His people with love, humbleness, integrity and confidentiality. As a believer, The Holy Bible is the foundation on which Christians should build their lives. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide us in all manners of truth, so that we may be victorious in our spiritual walk.

I am available by appointment only. The appointment may be in-person or virtual. Feel free to contact me at (210) 396-9651 or email:

Proverbs 11:14 “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.”